Meet Dr. Almunajed
Beauty in the hands of a New York City dentist you can trust.
Husam Almunajed
Ask Dr. Almunajed
How do you make the best first impression?
Listening to my patients so I truly understand their desired results and being honest about the best path to that goal.
What sets your practice apart?
Customized care from the minute you step foot in our practice, my staff and I provide each patient with care tailored to their individual needs.
What is your definition of success?
It’s simple: doing what you love. As much as possible. Whether that is raising a family or running a business, finding what truly gets you excited, and doing it with excellence and all your heart is true success. Even if it’s scary.
What is your best ability?
I think it’s my ability to respond to someone’s aspirations. When you have that ability, and when you meet a client that trusts you enough, it’s inspiring.
What is your prescription for living well?
You have to have a mission, and you have to have your health. Also, you have to enjoy the moment without always thinking, “What if I would have done this …?” If you are always living in the future, you can build something bigger and bigger, but for what? When the moment passes, it’s the past.
What are the most important characteristics you look for when working with others?
Passion. People have to love what they do. Skills are important, but everyone can learn those. The right attitude and motivation for working on something cannot be taught.
The biggest misconception about my field?
That every smile works for every face.
What do you believe is the one thing that changed the way dentistry is practiced today?
Aesthetic or Cosmetic Dentistry. I don’t believe that there is a separate specialty or field of cosmetic dentistry. All dentistry should be natural-looking and aesthetic. Many times, regular dentistry and “OK dentistry” is accepted by patients because they believe that they have no other choice. Today, at our office, we speak of facially generated treatment planning.
The dentist has become the quarterback and team leader of your health and beauty. People who come in to perfect their smiles are coming to feel better about how they look. A good aesthetic dentist should understand the aging process of the mouth and the entire face. Dentists need to understand that process to give our patients the best possible result.
What does living well mean to you?
Bringing joy to other people and making them feel good about themselves. In business, it means being able to provide opportunity and culture for people to thrive doing something they are passionate about rather than just collecting a paycheck. I don’t think we’re happiest when we go home at the end of the day, having just taken care of ourselves. But when we do something for somebody else, that’s when we feel absolutely at our best.
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Monday – Saturday: 9:00am – 6:00pm